Indiana PA Senior Pictures

Senior Picture Ideas

Senior photos don’t have to be in a studio, against a plain background, and otherwise boring besides your sparkling personality. I am obsessed with finding places that match your personality, your favorite outfits, and showing off the beautiful town where you spent some of your best memories!! If you want senior photos in cool and unusual places, you found the right person! Suffering from senioritis? No worries my friend - this shoot went from inbox to delivered in 5 days so there’s no reason to stress if graduation is right around the corner!

We started our awesome session on the rooftop of the Indiana Theater (it’s ok - I’m allowed!), grabbed some cool urban-grunge shots in the neighboring alley, fire escape, and parking garage, then put our rainboots on and trekked to Yellowcreek! Even though a tree fell over the steep, muddy trail we had to drive down to get close to the parking area, we all agreed that it was worth it to get some gorgeous shots! Changing outfits was easy in my pop up changing tent, and even though it was a little windy, we used that to our advantage with Emerson’s gorgeous, long curls to get some movement in the photos! Hope you enjoy som of my favorite snaps from this seriously gorgeous session!